Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Daddy ~ Listened ~ Obeyed ~ Preached

This morning as I sat in the worship service, I chocked back tears.  I am always amazed at the waves of emotion that wash over me when I am not expecting them.  I let myself reflect on a story my daddy told me of his obedience to the Holy Spirit some years ago.

Dad always began preparation for the Sunday School lesson on Monday evening.  He would study each evening thereafter, and arise early on Sunday to review his notes one more time.   One week while studying, he felt strongly impressed to read and study Romans 12.  So in addition to the weekly lesson he poured over this passage of scripture ~ not knowing why.

Sunday morning came, dad taught his class and then found his way to the sanctuary. The service started, the music was sung, the plate was passed and no preacher was present.  The church was without a pastor and they were waiting on the guest preacher to arrive.  It became evident he wasn't going to make it to the service.  

From the pulpit my dad heard these words, "Brother Bill, would you come and share a word with us."  In that very moment, my dad knew why he had felt impressed to study Romans 12.  As he stood behind the pulpit, he saw an older man bow his head and pray.  Dad knew he was praying for him.

An invitation was given at the end of the service and a man prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior. 

This morning, our pastor was too sick to attend church and two staff members were "ready" to step in and "share a word with us."  Thus, the cause for reflection and tears.  

II Timothy 3:16-17 comes to mind, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."  

My dad was a man who understood and lived this verse.  Therefore,


Thank you dad, for living a life that reflected the Word of God.  Truly, you were a man after God's own heart.  I love you forever and always.

(c) Faith Builder

Monday, April 2, 2012

His Cup Runneth Over


While driving the other day, I was talking with my Heavenly Father.
As I passed by a body of water,  I had this thought -
"Lord, You are so Amazing.
I've been asked before
If my cup was half empty or half full.
But You Lord, 
Your cup is always
No matter how many times I come to You,
I can drink from Your cup 
And it never changes.

Then I had a picture in my mind of many people 
With a ladle in their hand
The same bowl
The water never receeding
It stayed the same

I knew in that moment to 
Never doubt 
How Great and Awesome is God
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
And I knew no matter how many people
Are drinking from His Cup 
At the exact same time
He is Steady and Unchanging

His cup is
Never half empty
His cup is
Never half full
His cup is
ALWAYS filled
His cup is

(c)  Faith Builder

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Have you ever struggled with something in your life? Have you made things more difficult than they needed to be? 

On a recent shopping trip with Julie, I found a dress that is a style I have liked for years. Once in the dressing room I discovered this dress was very difficult to get on. No give in the waistline just buttons from the waist up. I not only struggled to get the dress on but it was so much worse trying to get the dress off! 

As I exited the dressing room I was asked if I wanted to purchase the dress - I couldn't believe my response. "I want to think about it." Even I was surprised by my answer! But the truth was, I really liked the dress - I liked how it looked once I could get it on! So I had to decide if the dress was worth all the effort! 

In the end, I purchased the dress. 

I wore the dress today. :0) 

This morning, I tried to prepare myself for the stuggle I knew was going to take place. Once the dress was on, I was admiring how it looked and was excited I could wear it and breath! Placing a piece of jewelry on the dress I noticed something dangling under my arm? "What is that?" Much to my disbelief, I discovered a zipper that went down the side of the dress! 

I had stuggled for nothing. 

The solution was there the whole time. 

But why hadn't I noticed? 

The truth is, I really hadn't looked. 

(c)  Faith Builder

God is Present

The early morning hours bring about a hush to the start of the day.  All is quiet.  While sitting still I hear God.  I hear Him in my heart, in my soul, and in my mind.  God is Present.

As I busied myself with the morning routine I saw Him.  It was subtle.  He just let me know that He was Present.

  This morning I watched a video about the persecution of believers in India.  There was a challenge at the end to  pray for the believers to simply have courage to stand strong in their faith.  The request?  Pray hard.  Pray with passion.  Pray for 3-4 minutes.  Pray.  God is Present.

Later in the morning I went to Lowe's to purchase a basket of flowers.  On the clearance rack was a beautiful plant for $1.00.  There was an audible gasp that escaped my lips. I knew I was supposed to take the plant home.  God is Present.

What an odd thing you might say...why the overwhelming need to take home a plant?  Well you see, I knew God was Present.  I could hear Him.  He was tugging at my heart.  He was stirring my soul.  He was speaking to my mind.  How?

 The tag on the plant read, "Song of India."

God is Present. 

(c)  Faith Builder